Hara Development in the Media
I have once again been involved in other projects that have kept me from posting to the Hara Development. I plan to resume posting shortly. I want to call your attention to several media events relating to hara development. First, I have an article entitled “Finding Hara” that will be published in the next issue of Tricycle Magazine. The hard copy will be available on the newsstands on November 12; the digital edition will go online on November 1 (https://tricycle.org). I also recently recorded a podcast on hara development for Omni Athelete, a site run by the Sports, Energy and Consciousness Group. I don’t have a release date for the podcast, but I am told it will be "soon". So, check https://theomniathlete.com in a bit if you are interested. Videos of past presentations on hara development that I have given can be found here and here. And, to finish on the theme of hara development in the media, I would be happy to arrange a Skype or other video conference with anyone who has questions about any of the exercises, the use of the HaraMeter and Hara Belt or hara development in general. You can write me directly here. Keep your hara set!